Elsie Biotechnologies

Elsie Biotechnologies, a disruptor in novel oligonucleotide technology, faced the challenge of needing a powerful brand that could honor their namesake, Rosalind Elsie Franklin, and effectively communicate their groundbreaking work. We addressed this by crafting a brand identity with strong, impactful graphics that resonated with their mission. Through strategic social media efforts and the development of key brand assets, we ensured that Elsie Biotechnologies' innovative platform was clearly and compellingly conveyed across all channels.

Logo, Branding, and PowerPoint

Elsie faced the challenge of standing out in a competitive industry while staying true to its namesake, Rosalind Elsie Franklin. We tackled this by creating a brand that not only distinguished Elsie but also honored Franklin's legacy. The logo, inspired by Franklin’s groundbreaking double-helix discovery in Photo 51, became a powerful symbol of the company's innovative spirit and scientific roots. We brought all of this together to form an engaging pitch deck with dynamic visuals that effectively communicated Elsie’s pioneering advancements.

Grid showing balance creation logo with different shapesColored version of logo Logo with scientist working in the background logo showed in black and whiteGraphic showcasing the alphabet letters for the typeface Roboto for branding kit. Graphic showcasing the alphabet letters for the typeface Roboto condensed for branding kit. Custom PowerPoint template showing slides  branded by Particle31 Logo mounted on office wall with scientist working in the background


Confronted with the task of effectively communicating their groundbreaking discoveries, we created a visually compelling website for them. This site was designed to showcase their science, team, and brand, ensuring Elsie's discoveries are represented with clarity and impact.

Website on desktop in labWebsite on cell phone

Social Media

To successfully showcase all aspects of Elsie, we created a comprehensive social strategy that highlighted their company culture, aimed at attracting top talent, as well as their conference participation and more.

Example of Linkedin social post created by Particle31 showing the post and image for internal value dayExample of Linkedin social post created by Particle31 showing the post and image for conference attendenceExample of Linkedin social post created by Particle31 showing the post and image for JP Morgan attendanceExample of Linkedin social post created by Particle31 showing the post and image for promotion

Additional Assets

Elsie’s brand continued to expand with the addition of photography, stickers, and other assets, further showcasing their unique identity.

Group shot of scientist in labLab coat hanging on chair in lab
Variety of stickers for brand

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