Who We Are

We are communicators and strategists, fusing science with creativity.

Allison Satterfield and Korte Zickefoose of Particle 31 standing on outside patio

Our mission is to equip clients to communicate their science clearly to change the world profoundly.

Particle31 was founded on sciences’ life-transforming power.

In 2021, our founder joined a project focused on alleviating specific cancer side effects. This project commenced shortly after she lost a loved one who encountered those very side effects.
This experience highlighted the profound impact of life sciences on patients, their loved ones, and communities, inspiring our mission.

The Particle Team

Headshot of Allison Satterfield, founder of Particle31

Allison Satterfield

Founder & Creative Director

Allison’s deep connection to life sciences stems from her belief that science and effective design share a common language—one of precision, intentionality, and innovation. Inspired by scientific advancements that have directly impacted her loved ones, she thrives on distilling intricate ideas into powerful narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.

After seven successful years in corporate design and marketing, Allison embraced her entrepreneurial spirit and launched her own business in 2021, driven by a passion for helping her friends' startups more than her day job. With a BFA in Graphic Design and a Master’s in Marketing, specializing in High-Tech Entrepreneurship, she is uniquely equipped to empower startups and accelerate the growth of businesses. Beyond Particle31, you’ll find Allison hiking with her husband Grey, exploring new destinations, or watching the most recent Formula 1 race.

Korte Zickefoose

Senior Graphic Designer

Since 2018, Korte has been at the forefront of building brands from the inside out. With a background as an in-house creative and former business owner, he offers Particle31 clients practical tools to foster trust and elevate their reputation. Korte’s passion for science communication was ignited at 16, thanks to a chemistry teacher who inspired him to blend science and art. Today, he finds it thrilling to shape the stories of pioneering life science companies.

Korte has lived in South Korea, Idaho, and Oregon, and now calls San Diego home with his wife, Catherine. When not immersed in the worlds of sci-fi authors like Asimov, LeGuin, or Liu, he’s exploring the next foodie restaurant with Catherine. Korte’s approach is dynamic and reliable, making the experience of branding professional and fun.

Partnering Options

When needed, we tap into our extensive talent network in the life science space, so clients don’t have to worry about finding additional expertise for specific items. We work with experts in PR, video production, scientific advising, IT, and more to ensure specific project goals are met as needed.

Partnering icon that has small little dots scattered and connected together by lines. Headshot of Korte Zickefoose, Senior Graphic Designer at Particle31

Our Core Values

Particle31 core value icon for people showing people


Prioritize relationships first

Particle31 core value icon for quality showing stars


Deliver exceptional work

Particle31 core value icon for integrity showing a check mark


Act with honesty & ethics

Particle31 core value icon for joy showing balloons


Cultivate delight & surprise

Particle31 core value icon for curiosity showing a magnify glass


Maintain a willingness to learn

Particle31 core value icon for clients


Focus on clarity & meaning

How We Live Our Values

Icon for Particle31 core value live out group for communities

For Our Clients

We dive deep into understanding our clients, from their science to their team, acting as their support, guide, and marketing expert at every stage of their journey.

Icon for Particle31 core value live out group for teamIcon for Particle31 core value live out group for clients

For Our Team

We foster a positive work environment that celebrates success, values mutual respect, and thrives on input. We encourage continuous learning and growth.

For Our Communities

We give back through employee volunteer days and pro bono work, supporting the communities where our team and clients live and work.

Particle31 logo created by many small dots surrounded by other small dots like Particles

Our Name Carries
Multiple Layers
of Meaning:

Crafting Stories

Like particles forming atoms, we assemble the elements of our clients' stories into a compelling narrative.

Core Values

Just as an atom consists of electrons, neutrons, and protons, we live out our values in three key areas: our clients, team, and communities.

Number 31

31, the atomic number of phosphorus, is critical to supporting life. It also represents optimism and new beginnings, reflecting our clients' innovation and our belief in fresh starts.

Dynamic Actions

In grammar, the word "particle" has many roles, much like our approach. It adds context, enhances meaning, and brings clarity. It’s versatile, dynamic, and essential – just like us.

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