Q: How is the 2% donation amount calculated?
A: The donation is 2% of your total paid invoices to Particle31/Alaray Creative in 2024 as of December 20, 2024. This amount excludes third-party purchases such as, if we ordered a printed item and you reimbursed us for the order. We are happy to provide this total amount if you need it.
Q: What if my total payments for 2024 are very small?
A: Every client has the opportunity to make a meaningful impact, regardless of their invoice size. For those with total payments in 2024 are less than $1,250, Particle31 will ensure a minimum contribution of $25 to the charitable organization of your choice.
Q: How were the charitable organizations selected from the list?
A: The charitable organizations were carefully chosen based on their direct impact youth education for STEM and the arts. The IRS must recognize them as a Charitable Organization and as a 501(c)(3). We also considered the geographic spread to cover our clients' locations and included charitable organizations with existing relationships with our clients or team members. Some organizations were also recommended to us from our network's involvement with an organization.
Q: Can I recommend a charitable organization not on the list for future consideration?
A: Absolutely! We welcome suggestions for us to include next year that align with our STEM and art education focus. Please email us at info@particle31.com with your recommendations.
Q: What happens if I don't select a charitable organization?
A: We encourage participation but respect your choice. Particle31 will distribute unallocated funds to a charitable organization on the list to ensure all allocated amounts benefit an organization.
Q: How will Particle31 handle privacy regarding donations?
A: We respect your privacy. No personal client information will be shared with charitable organizations without explicit consent.
Q: Will there be any tax implications for me or my company?
A: Since Particle31 makes the donation, there are no tax implications for you or your company.
Q: What if I can’t meet the December 20 deadline?
A: Please contact us if you anticipate difficulty meeting the deadline. We'll do our best to accommodate your situation.
Q: How will I know Particle31 has made the donation?
A: We will provide a follow-up communication with detailed donation receipts and a summary of the overall impact.
Q: I can’t remember how much I’ve paid this year. How can I find this out?
A: Contact us at info@particle31.com for a summary of your 2024 payments.
Q: How do I know if Particle31 included other team members for Pass the Impact?
A: You could ask them if they received the same email, or you can ask us who we sent the email to on your team. While we don't send it to everyone at a company, we included those we regularly collaborate with.
If you feel like we left someone out, please email info@particle31.com so they can be included.
Q: Will I be billed for the donation?
A: No, the donation is fully covered by Particle31. There’s no additional cost or billing to you.
Q: How can I provide feedback on this program?
A: We value your input! Please share your thoughts and suggestions at info@particle31.com.
Q: I have other questions that are not covered here. Who can I contact?
A: For any other inquiries, please contact us at info@particle31.com.